Euphorbia Abyssinica | Botany & Care

Euphorbia Abyssinica is a special cactus-like Euphorbia, light gray / green in color with short dark brown spines and small fresh green leaves on the top.
BOTANY | The plant family Euphorbia contains many different species, but they all have in common that they all contain plant sap, which is also called spurge. Be careful with that, it is irritating to the skin and eyes. The Euphorbia Abussinica originates from Northeast Africa. The cactus grows in well-drained stony soil such as on rocky slopes.
PLANT CARE | The Euphorbia Abyssinica var. needs little care. Water regularly during the growing season from March - September, make sure that the roots do not remain in water, as this can cause root rot. Do you want to grow the plant? Then give this sturdy succulent a larger pot to give the roots room to grow. Repot the Euphorbia with well-draining soil (non-organic material such as clay, pumice stone, lava grit and just a little nutrient-rich soil. Give Botanopia organic liquid plant food once every 2 months during the growing season.
FLOWER POT | The kraft paper pot is waterproof for several weeks to months, depending on the water needs of the plant. The pot is 100% biodegradable and plastic-free. As soon as moisture spots appear in the soil, the pot is no longer watertight and it is best to repot the plant. After repotting, the pot can be handed in with the old paper to be recycled.