
This website (www.greenupthecity.com) is operated by Green Up The City. By viewing this website and using the information provided therein, you agree to these terms and conditions. The following conditions apply.

Use of this website

The information on this website is intended for general information. Despite the fact that Green Up The City takes care in compiling and maintaining this website and uses sources that are considered reliable, Green Up The City cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information provided. Green Up The City cannot guarantee that the website will function error-free or uninterrupted. The images of products shown are only an indication. The products may actually differ from the image shown. Therefore, no rights can be derived from the images shown.

Use of this website that (a) disrupts the use of other visitors, (b) could endanger the functioning of this website or (c) could affect the information provided or underlying software is not permitted.

Intellectual property rights

Green Up The City, respectively the rights holder, retains all rights (including copyrights and trademark rights) with regard to information presented on the website (including texts, graphic material and logos). Except for downloading and printing the information provided for your own personal use, it is not permitted to copy, reproduce or distribute the content of the website in any way whatsoever without the express written permission of Green Up The City. to make public. Hyperlinks to this website are not permitted without prior permission from Green Up The City

Online communication

Messages you send to Green Up The City by e-mail may be intercepted or manipulated in some other way. Green Up The City advises you not to send secret or otherwise sensitive information to Green Up The City by e-mail. If you choose to send messages to Green Up The City by e-mail, you accept the risk that these messages may be intercepted or otherwise manipulated by a third party.

Exclusion of liability

Green Up The City accepts no liability whatsoever with regard to this website. Among other things, Green Up The City accepts no liability whatsoever with regard to (a) defects, viruses and other imperfections resulting from access or use of this website, (b) the information made available on or via this website, (c ) the interception, manipulation or other improper use of information sent to Green Up The City or sent to you via the website or by e-mail, (d) the loss of data, (e) downloading or use of software that made available via this website, or (f) claims from third parties in connection with the use of this website. The exclusion of liability also extends to the benefit of directors and employees of Green Up The City.

Applicable law

This website and all information published on this website (including this disclaimer) are in principle aimed at the European public and are governed by Dutch law. The Dutch court has exclusive jurisdiction to rule on any disputes that arise in connection with this website and the information published on it.


Green Up The City reserves the right to change the information on this website (including the text of this disclaimer) at any time without further notice. It is recommended that you consult this disclaimer regularly so that you are aware of any changes.